So over the course of like the past 2 months my boys (Lucas and Reece) have coined the term "pillow crumbs." They say it so randomly that I never really thought anything of it. Well, I finally posed the question a few days ago to Lucas. The conversation went a little like this:
Me: "Lucas what are you saying?"
Lucas: "Pillow crumbs!"
Me: "PILLOW crumbs?!!"
Lucas: "Yes!"
Me: "Well, what are 'pillow crumbs'?"
Lucas: "You know mom, INDIANS and PILLOW crumbs."
Me: Running as fast as I could to record this coined term on paper so I wouldn't forget it (and of course laughing all the way :)
This makes me wonder even more what these children are interpreting from the things they hear...............
A few noteworthy happenings since my last post (sorry all you in blogland who have been patiently waiting......)
1. $3.45 - the price of gas in Allendale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Jackson is now pulling himself up onto whatever he can get his chubby hands onto
3. Jackson is disproportionate according to his 9 mth checkup (95% head, 50% height, and 25% weight)
4. I'm officially a 30-something
5. Reece (strong-willingly) skipped 3 meals in a row yesterday - now that's determination!
6. We made our inaugural visit to the FM Gardens to check out the butterflies (it was very warm with 85% humidity inside!)
I will try to post more regularly again :)
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