This is the result of Tim grilling dinner last night..........the food was excellent, the deck was quite "overdone" to say the least! About mid-dinner, Tim realized that he hadn't shut off the grill (which is quite frequent as we let the remains burn off the grate). So, he proceeded outside and noticed a small grease fire - no big deal - he threw on a glass of water and mentioned to us all that it, "smells like someone's having a campfire." We absolutely love that smell around here, especially since it's going to be getting too cold for those this season. This afternoon, Tim discovered that, in reality, we were the ones hosting the campfire with expensive wood, mind you! Being that I love capturing the moment, I just had to post the end result of our deck - nice............who knows how much of the deck would have burned if he hadn't noticed the small grill fire...............I'm so thankful, however, that this did NOT start a much larger fire.........our house could have been toast if he hadn't tossed some water on that minor grease fire.